QUESTION: What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for my mom and dad.
QUESTION: What's an experience you had with you Dad that you're grateful for?
My dad started taking me skiing when I was about six years old. He was patient with me on the powder days. During Christmas break I could always count on him to be there. When I was little he would travel a bunch, but he would ski with me every day those two weeks during the break. After skiing, we would go home and watch all of the Star Wars movies. Then, he would always make his famous hot chocolate with me.
QUESTION: What about your Mom makes you grateful?
I’m grateful for my mom in a lot of different ways. She does so much. One thing that may not seem huge, but to me was huge, was every morning I would wake up and she would have breakfast made for me. Every single day. I added it up and it was over 6,000 meals just for me. And, that’s just in my first eighteen years. It helped me out a lot because I could start the day out with a good nutritious meal. I knew that she cared for me and that gave me a bunch of confidence to go throughout the day.
"I know it’s really small, but my mom making me breakfast selflessly every morning, is something I'm really grateful for."
QUESTION: How many siblings do you have?
There are 8 of us total.
QUESTION: What type of parent do you hope to be in the future? What are your goals?
I hope I can be something like my parents. They were really patient and consistent with me. They loved me no matter what. I felt like I could always go home and gain good advice from them. They were always pretty levelheaded. They never lost their temper on me; I hope to be like that.
My parents never hung onto things. If I got in trouble, they would talk to me in their room. They would lecture me pretty good, but then it was over. Things I have done in the past that I still feel bad about, they have forgotten. They don’t hang onto things that I have done. I hope as a parent I can be really forgiving and forgetful in the mistakes that my children make so they always feel really loved.
"I hope I can be something like my parents. They were really patient and consistent with me. They loved me no matter what... "
QUESTION: What scares you about being a parent?
It scares me that I might not be able to connect with my child in a way that builds trust. I’m hoping that our relationship is close enough that they will come to me with questions. I hope that we can be friends but in the sense that I’m still their dad so that they have respect. I hope I can succeed in having a really open and transparent relationship with them. I don’t want to have a child that I’m not close to.
QUESTION: What are you doing now to prepare for that time?
Right now, I’m going to school and working because someday I want to be able to provide for children and have a good career. I’m trying to work on my patience. I want to be able to give them fun experiences like some of the experiences that I’ve had. I want them to be open to new things.
"I’m going to school and working because someday I want to be able to provide for children and have a good career. "