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QUESTION: What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for music. I love the emotion and memories that music evokes.  I am grateful that music can amplify every day activities and make them so much better. 




Lately I’ve been really into lyrics. It sounds so nerdy, but listening to other people’s lyrics makes me realize that everyone is very similar. I love the connection it brings. Lyrics make me feel like we are all going through the same kind of things. They are so empowering. 



"Lyrics make me feel like we are all going through the same kind of things. They are so empowering."   


QUESTION: Do you play any instruments?

Yes, I play piano and some guitar. I actually love to practice piano on my lunch breaks. Playing piano just makes me feel instantly happy. When I was little, one of my favorite rewards was going to the music store with my sisters and picking out new sheet music or guitar picks. 



QUESTION: What kind of music do you like best to listen to or play?  

Really I love any song that I can connect to. I’m always listening to different types of music, but it totally depends on what I’m doing, or what mood I’m in. I love indie, acoustic, pop, and alternative. I like country, but I usually listen to it more in the summer. I like to try and write songs on the guitar or look up new songs. Growing up I used to do a lot of musical theater, so I would practice a lot for that. I'm grateful that there is music for all types of feelings and events.


QUESTION: Do you sing too or just play instruments?  

Yes, singing is my favorite thing. Out of singing and playing instruments, I prefer singing. It has always been a big part of my life. When I was little, my sisters and I would have concerts and pass out tickets to our family. We would have a concession stand with whatever treats we could find in the pantry, and put seat numbers on our couch. I was also obsessed with American Idol. Another memory I'm grateful for is when my mom would come in our rooms at night to sing to us. She would write crazy songs with us about our day to make us laugh.



QUESTION: Where do you sing? 

I’m constantly singing around the house or in my car. I used to perform a lot growing up in the community, but when I got to college I didn’t have time to perform very much. Now that I’m graduated, one of my goals is to start doing more open mic nights and performances with friends. I'm grateful that I have more free time now to enjoy music. 



QUESTION: Is there a song and memory in your life that go together well? 

Yes, Fix You by Cold Play. Growing up, anytime I would get together with my mom’s extended family, we would always sing Fix You. All of my aunts and uncles would bring their guitars into the living room and we would play and sing. My mom has ten siblings, so singing with everyone was so fun. I'm grateful that my family made music such a big part of our lives.


"I'm grateful that my family made music such a big part of our lives."


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